value 20 centavo
Lempira (lem-pee'-rah), Central American cacique, born in the latter part of the
15th century; died in 1537. He was the king of Coquin, afterward called Gracias
a Dios, and his name signifies "Lord of the Mountains." At the beginning of the
conquest the Spaniards were unmolested, but later the Indians revolted, on
account of their cruelties, under the leadership of this chief.
Mintage about 8 mln. pieces
circulation since 1931 to 1958
Montejo, governor of Yucatan and Honduras, sent a force to quell the movement,
whereupon Lempira retired to his stronghold and siege was laid to the place;
but, although assistance was summoned from Comayagua and San Pedro del Puerto de
Caballos, the Indians made good their defence. For six months the Spaniards
beleaguered the fortress, and, seeing no prospect of taking it, had recourse to
a stratagem. A horseman was ordered to approach within arquebus-shot of the rock
and summon Lempira to a colloquy, under pretence of opening negotiations for
peace, while a foot soldier who accompanied him, screened from view by the
mounted man, shot the unsuspecting chieftain as he appeared on the cliff. His
lifeless body rolled over the rock, and his followers, panic-stricken, made no
further resistance.