value - 1 rouble
Metal - copper-nickel-zinc
Mintage - 100 mln. pieces
circulation since 1970 to 1991
100th Anniversary of V.I.Lenin
Vladimir Ilich Ulianov (Lenin) - a philosopher, a revolutionist, a statesman. In 1903 under his control the Bolshevik party was created. In 1917, having illegally returned to Petrograd, he became a leader of October revolt, which led to downfall of czar regime and power capture by Bolsheviks. Lenin confirmed a ratification of Brest peace agreement, in fact a capitulation of Russian in WWI. In 1919 he created the Communist International. Lenin worked out a plan of building of socialism (industrialization, cooperation of peasants, cultural revolution ), plan of electrification of Russia (GOELRO), formulated principals of so called new economical politic. He was buried in Mausoleum in the Red square in Moscow. Some people consider him as "the most humane human", the liberator of bourgeois oppression, other think, he was politician without principals, inspirer of executions without court, - and there is no single point of view. One is for sure, a name of Lenin will live in minds and hearts of a lot of generations.
Face value - 5 roubles
Metal - copper-nickel
Mintage - 1.7 mln. pieces
In circulation since 1989 to 1991
Moscow. Pokrova na Rvu Dome
Pokrovsky Dome in the Red square, traditionally called Dome of Vasily Blazhenny, is the most famous Russian hipped roof church. It was built in honor of a capture of Kazan' by the forces of Moscow czar Ivan the Terrible in 1552. Architects Barma and Postnik Yakovlev (according to another data it was one man - Ivan Yakovlevich Barma) created a church building, a unique one in all the Russian architecture. The main and the highest hip is surrounded by 8 cupolas, and each one differs from another. It is still vexed question what the meaning of symbolic of Pokrovsky Dome is: maybe, a temple refers to west gothic architect traditions; maybe, to east gothic; maybe, to old-Russian wood churches. But first of all it could be seen in it an image of Jerusalem and all its sacred places and numerous temples. However, there is another legend: the highest hip with low cupolas embodies Moscow assembling other Russian princedoms before foundation of powerful Moscow State. Nowadays Pokrovsky Dome is a memory of the great epoch, bellicose and glorious.